A Generator has a Coil of Wire rotating in a Magnetic Field
Method of rotating magnetic fields in DC and AC generators.
In 1882, French engineer Hippolyte Pixii built the first Dynamo electric generator that used a coil of wire rotating in a magnetic field. The DC generator was later improved upon by Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse, who developed the rotating magnetic field (RMF) technology. This technology is still used in modern day generators.
RMF technology works by using a coil of wire that is rotated inside of a magnetic field. The rotational movement of the wire within the magnetic field causes electricity to be generated. This type of generator is highly efficient and can produce large amounts of electricity.
The method of rotating magnetic fields in DC to AC generators is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. When a conductor is moved through a magnetic field, an electric current is induced in the conductor. This principle is used in DC to AC generators to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
The DC to AC generator consists of a stator and a rotor. The stator is a stationary ring of magnets. The rotor is a cylinder that contains a coil of wire. The coil is connected to the terminals of the generator. As the rotor spins, it rotates the coil through the stator’s magnetic field. This induces an electric current in the coil.
♦️ DC and AC Generators, Prelude to Rotating Magnetic Field - Nikola Tesla's Secret
Learn more: Low RPM Permanent Magnet Generator
♦️ A Generator has a Coil of Wire Rotating in a Magnetic Field: DC Generator
Learn more: Permanent Magnet AC Generator
This is the method of stirring up Ether to create Overunity - free energy
The little-known method of stirring up Ether to create Overunity - free energy was discovered by Nikola Tesla. By harnessing the power of rotating magnetic fields, Tesla was able to create an AC generator that could generate free energy. This technology is still being used today to generate free energy.In a Tesla generator, you get your free electricity by connecting the drum rotor to a drive belt which is in turn connected to a regular electrical generator. The DC current produced can be used for DC lighting systems, but an inverter can be introduced to the circuit to create AC power suitable for domestic lighting and other functions.
It's not the type of electricity produced or its voltage that is important, but how much of it. DC and AC currents are interchangeable using rectifiers and inverters, and voltage can be stepped up using transformers. By connecting banks of such free energy generators in parallel, high currents can be produced when they are fed into a single supply line.
You Can Make Your Own Free Electricity Generator
In order to make your own Tesla generator and enjoy the advantages of free electricity in your home, you first have to learn how to build it. You should follow a plan that provides each step in a simple and easy to understand manner. It is important that the plan you use is a valid one, and that nothing is left out. You only need one component to be placed slightly out of line, or the connections not fully verified, and your magnetic generator will not work properly: sure, it might work, but you need the maximum degree of efficiency you can squeeze out of your design.
Is This Perpetual Motion?
Many have described this as a perpetual motion machine, but it is not. A perpetual machine must expend or lose no energy. If it does, energy would have to be supplied to the machine to compensate, and that debars it from being a perpetual motion machine. A Tesla generator loses energy through friction in the bearings of the rotating drum and also in carrying out work. Whether it is driving a motor or providing electricity, there is always energy lost - in the form of friction or emitted light.
While it may be close to a perpetual machine if the drum is not connected to a working rotor, a free energy generator is not perpetual. Nevertheless, it does provide you with free power and if you get it right, then you will be enjoying free electricity in your home in perpetuity.
Gift for you:
۞ Generate electricity to power your home with just a battery or phone charger
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