Harnessing Electricity from The Zero-Point Energy Field
Special Note: Posting of this document on Blog does not imply approval or disapproval by the Department of Energy. This work is made available to illustrate innovative energy research by multiple researchers involving new concepts. Scientific method requires replication and independent test and verification, and an additional research prototype build-up for those purposes is presently underway by the authors.
✰* Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
The design includes:
- Harnessing electricity from the Earth: Neither is Schumann Resonance, nor is it known by Electromagnetism. It's The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats
- Extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called “fractionation.”
- Reverse Tesla coil - "Back to Back" mechanism
- Combination of radiant energy and negative resistance to amplify electricity
- Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator
- And many other plans for Free Energy.
The Zero-Point Energy Field
The Classical Vacuum-Zero-Point Energy
This use of words may seem puzzling. If the vacuum is not empty, how can it be called a vacuum?
Physicists today define the vacuum as whatever is left in a region of space when it has been emptied of everything that can possibly be removed from it by experimental means. The vacuum is the experimentally attainable void. Obviously a first step in creating a region of vacuum is to eliminate all visible matter, such as solids and liquids. Gases must also be removed.
When all matter has been excluded, however, space is not empty; it remains filled with electromagnetic radiation. A part of the radiation is thermal, and it can be removed by cooling, but another component of the radiation has a subtler origin. Even if the temperature of a vacuum could be reduced to absolute zero, a pattern of fluctuating electromagnetic waves would persist.
This residual radiation, which has been analyzed only in recent years, is an inherent feature of the vacuum, and it cannot be suppressed.
A full account of the contemporary theory of the vacuum would have to include the ideas of quantum mechanics, which are curious indeed. For example, it would be necessary to describe the spontaneous creation of matter and antimatter from the vacuum. Nevertheless, some of the remarkable properties of the vacuum do not depend at all on the peculiar logic of the quantum theory, and they can best be understood in a classical description (one that ignores quantum effects). Accordingly I shall discuss the vacuum entirely in terms of classical ideas.
Even in the comparatively simple world of classical physics the vacuum is amply strange.
Aristotle’s doctrine that a vacuum is physically impossible was overthrown in the 17th century. The crucial development was the invention of the barometer in 1644 by Evangelista Torricelli, who had been secretary to Galileo. Torricelli poured mercury into a glass tube closed at one end and then inverted the tube, with the open end in a vessel filled with mercury.
The column of liquid fell to a height of about 30 inches above the level of the mercury in the vessel, leaving a space at the top of the tube. The space was clearly empty of any visible matter; Torricelli proposed that it was also free of gas and so was a region of vacuum. A lively controversy ensued between supporters of the Aristotelian view and those who believed Torricelli had indeed created a vacuum. A few years later Blaise Pascal supervised a series of ingenious experiments, all tending to confirm Torricelli’s hypothesis.
The understanding of the vacuum changed again in the 19th century. The nature of the change can be illustrated by a thought experiment to be done with imaginary ideal apparatus.
Suppose one had a piston and cylinder machined so perfectly that the piston could move freely and yet nothing could leak past it. Initially the piston is at the closed end of the cylinder and there is no vacant space at all. When a steady force is applied to withdraw the piston against the pressure of the air outside, the space developed between the piston and the end of the cylinder is a region of vacuum.
If the piston is immediately released, it moves back into the cylinder, eliminating the vacuum space.
If the piston is withdrawn and held for some time at room temperature, however, the result is quite different. External air pressure pushes on the piston, tending to restore the original configuration. Nevertheless, the piston does not go all the way back into the cylinder, even if additional force is applied. Evidently something is inside the cylinder. What appeared to be an empty space is not empty after the wait.
The physicists of the 19th century were able to explain this curious result. During the period when the piston was withdrawn the walls of the cylinder were emitting heat radiation into the vacuum region. When the piston was forced back in, the radiation was compressed. Thermal radiation responds to compression much as a gas does: both the pressure and the temperature rise.
Thus the compressed radiation exerts a force opposing the reinsertion of the piston. The piston and cylinder could be closed again only if one waited long enough for the higher-temperature radiation to be reabsorbed by the walls of the cylinder.
The form of thermal radiation is intimately connected with the structure of the vacuum in classical physics. Nothing in my discussion so far has indicated that this should be so, and indeed the physicists of the 19th century were unaware of the connection.
The Zero-Point Energy Field in Modern Physics
Quantum mechanics predicts the existence of what are usually called ''zero-point'' energies for the strong, the weak and the electromagnetic interactions, where ''zero-point'' refers to the energy of the system at temperature T=0, or the lowest quantized energy level of a quantum mechanical system.
Although the term ''zero-point energy'' applies to all three of these interactions in nature, customarily (and hereafter in this article) it is used in reference only to the electromagnetic case.
In conventional quantum physics, the origin of zero-point energy is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that, for a moving particle such as an electron, the more precisely one measures the position, the less exact the best possible measurement of its momentum (mass times velocity), and vice versa. The least possible uncertainty of position times momentum is specified by Planck's constant, h.
A parallel uncertainty exists between measurements involving time and energy (and other so-called conjugate variables in quantum mechanics). This minimum uncertainty is not due to any correctable flaws in measurement, but rather reflects an intrinsic quantum fuzziness in the very nature of energy and matter springing from the wave nature of the various quantum fields.
This leads to the concept of zero-point energy.
Zero-point energy is the energy that remains when all other energy is removed from a system. This behavior is demonstrated by, for example, liquid helium. As the temperature is lowered to absolute zero, helium remains a liquid, rather than freezing to a solid, owing to the irremovable zero-point energy of its atomic motions. (Increasing the pressure to 25 atmospheres will cause helium to freeze.)
The hypothesis for tapping the zero-point energy (ZPE) arises by combining the theories of the ZPE with the theories of system self-organization. The vacuum polarization of atomic nuclei might allow their synchronous motion to activate a ZPE coherence.
Experimentally observed plasma ion-acoustic anomalies as well as inventions utilizing cycloid ion motions may offer supporting evidence. The suggested experiment of rapidly circulating a charged plasma in a vortex ring might induce a sufficient zero-point energy interaction to manifest a gravitational anomaly. An invention utilizing abrupt E field rotation to create virtual charge exhibits excessive energy output.
Today's physics might allow the possibility of tapping virtually limitless quantities of energy directly from the fabric of space.
Such a surprising conjecture arises by merging two separate theoretical areas of modern physics:
1) The theories of the zero-point energy (ZPE) that model the vacuum as containing real, energetic fluctuations of electric field energy, and 2) the theories of system self-organization which not only open the possibility of inducing coherence in this energy, but also provide the underlying principles on how this could be achieved .
At first this hpyothesis might seem to be a blatant violation of the conservation of energy. But the key question is:
Does the zero-point energy REALLY exist?
If so, a real energy is already present and its conservation would not be an issue.
The real issue centers on how random fluctuations could become coherent. Any spontaneous coherence seems to violate the second law of thermodynamics, which is generally understood to mean systems should evolve toward random behavior, not toward coherence.
This point is thoroughly discussed in the theories of system self-organization. Prigogine won the 1977 Nobel prize in chemistry for defining the conditions under which a system could evolve from randomness toward coherence. The conditions are that the system must be far from equilibrium, nonlinear in its dynamics and have an energy flux through it. These conditions are expressed in general system theory terms, and it turns out that the already published theories of the ZPE can, under certain circumstances, fulfill these conditions.
Despite the intriguing possibility offered by system theory, no purely theoretical discussion could ever prove that the zero-point energy could be tapped as an energy source. Only an experiment coupled with the theory would be convincing. This article discusses how observed anomalies associated with the ion-acoustic oscillations in plasmas could be a manifestation of a coherent ZPE interaction and in particular, how the cycloid motion of a a plasma's nuclei might induce a sufficient ZPE coherence to manifest a gravitational anomaly.
This article also highlights an invention which utilizes the abrupt rotation of electric fields to cause an hypothesized pair production of virtual charges from the vacuum energy across a macroscopic system. The invention reportedly outputs excessive power while free running. The invention reportedly outputs excessive power while free running, and its full disclosure may constitute an experiment which could be repeated by the scientific community.
The Zero-Point Energy Field - Nikola Tesla
In 1889 Tesla began experimenting with capacitors charged to high voltages and discharged in very short time intervals. These very short pulses produced very sharp shockwaves which he felt across the front of his whole body. He was aware that closing a switch on a high-voltage dynamo often produced a stinging shock. This was believed to be static electricity and it occurred only at switch-on and only for a few milliseconds. However, in those few milliseconds, bluish needles of energy stand out from the electrical cables and they leak to ground, often through the bodies of any people standing nearby, causing immediate death if the installation is large. While the generators of that time were rated at some thousands of volts, these discharges were millions of volts in intensity. The generator problem was eliminated by the used of highly insulated switches which were provided with a very large ground connection.
Tesla was intrigued by this phenomenon which appeared to match the effect of his capacitor discharges. He calculated that the voltages produced were hundreds of times greater than could be supplied by the capacitor or generator. It was clear that the power supplied was being amplified or augmented in some way, but the question was, from where was the extra energy coming?
Tesla was intrigued by this phenomenon which appeared to match the effect of his capacitor discharges. He calculated that the voltages produced were hundreds of times greater than could be supplied by the capacitor or generator. It was clear that the power supplied was being amplified or augmented in some way, but the question was, from where was the extra energy coming?
Tesla continued to investigate through experiments, taking precautions against the high voltages being produced. He was soon able to produce these shockwaves whenever he wanted to. The shockwaves produced a stinging sensation no matter where he stood in his laboratory, and hands and face were particularly sensitive to the wave. These waves radiated out and penetrated metal, glass and every other kind of material. This was clearly not an electromagnetic wave, so he called the new wave ‘Radiant Electricity’.
Tesla viewed the streamers coming off his coils as being wasted energy so he tried to suppress them. He tried a conical coil but found that this accentuated the problem. He then tried placing a copper sphere at the top of his coil. This stopped the streamers but electrons were dislodged from the copper sphere, creating really dangerous conditions. This implied that metals generate electron flows when struck by the coil streamers (as had been seen when the streamers had been aimed at remote metal plates and current was generated as a result).
Tesla designed, built and used large globe lamps which required only a single external plate for receiving the radiant energy. No matter how far away these lamps were from the radiant source, they became brilliantly lit, almost to the level of an arc lamp and far, far brighter than any of the conventional Edison filament lamps. By adjusting the voltage and the pulse duration of his apparatus, Tesla could also heat or cool a room.
Tesla’s experiments suggest that a method of extracting free-energy is to use a Tesla coil which has a metal spike instead of the more common metal sphere at the end of the ‘secondary’ coil. If the Tesla coil is fed with sufficiently short uni-directional pulses and the ‘secondary’ coil pointed at a metal plate, then it should be possible to draw off serious levels of power from the metal plate, just as Tesla discovered. This has been confirmed by Don Smith who uses two metal plates separated by a layer of plastic dielectric, forming a capacitor. He states that a well designed Tesla coil is capable of producing currents as high as the voltages and he demonstrates a hand-held 28 watt Tesla Coil played on the first plate producing a substantial continuous spark discharge between the second plate and ground. I estimate that the spark produced would have to be thousands of volts at a significant current, which puts it in the kilowatt range, like most of Don's other devices. Don's video Don's patent is at here is Don's pdf document in which he explains many of his high-power designs.
Don also points out that the positioning of the primary coil relative to the secondary coil of a Tesla Coil determines the amount of current which can be provided. Contrary to most opinion, it is possible to have Tesla Coil current as high as the voltage. Don always stresses that you have the option of picking the electrical component (as conventional science has done) which leads to "heat death" while the alternative option of selecting the magnetic component makes "the world your oyster". With a magnetic ripple imposed on the zero-point energy field, which Don prefers to call the 'ambient background energy', you can make as many electric conversions as you wish, without depleting the magnetic event in any way. In other words, you can draw off serious amounts of current from capacitor plates positioned at right angles to the magnetic flow, and every additional pair of plates gives you an additional source of major current without any need to increase the magnetic disturbance in any way. With his single metal plate, Tesla mentioned currents of a thousand amps being available. Please remember that a Tesla Coil produces seriously high voltages and is not a toy. Great care is needed around a Tesla Coil so, when it is running, keep well away from it.
Don also states that the collection and transfer of energy requires temporary storage which occurs as the capacitors and coils of a resonant circuit are cycled on and off. The frequency at which the capacitors and coils are pumped, determines the amount of electrical energy that moves onwards. The amount of Energy transferred relates directly to the density of lines of magnetic flux present. The Kinetic Energy formula is helpful in establishing the amount of energy present. This formula points to mass multiplied by the square of the velocity. In the case of electrical energy, intensity of voltage and amperes multiplied by cycles per second, replace velocity. Note that the "acceleration" of the Voltage and the Amperage, increases in a non-linear fashion as the Law of Squares applies, with each unit of increase causing a squaring of the flux lines present. In resonant air-core coil energy transfer, the increase in flux lines present disturbs more electrons than previously and this results in greater output energy than input energy being present and available.
Harnessing Electricity: The Zero-Point Energy Field
Zero Point Energy Field - All Universal Life Is Energy
The Zero Point Energy Field, or The Unified Field, unites and holds all Universal Life. One almighty force, like a web that connects, binds and sustains everything and everyone because all life is energy.
Zero Point Energy Field
The Zero Point Energy Field (commonly termed ZPEF) is similar to a web or matrix of energy, originating from God, and it prevails throughout everything and everyone in the Universe. It is infinite; indeterminable, without shape, and it has no sides or limitations of any type. Imagine a film or a page with the ZPEF as an all-encompassing overlay, and/or under-lay. That superimposes everything and it is ever-present, without any limitations, borders, shape, etc. In other words, our energy realm within which we live is totally encompassed within the Zero Point Energy Field.
Other writers, one being Aaron Murakami - author of The Quantum Key - refers to Aether which bears the air we breathe. The ZPEF also bears the Aether, which also bears everything else. In this book Aaron Murakami asks the question, "Where, or on what, do you think the air, oxygen, actually exists?" This question blew me away at first because I automatically thought, as most of us do, that it is just there - in the air. I mean, for Pete's sake, just wave your arms around and feel the air. And then it dawned on me; WHAM. If this is the air that I am feeling on my hands and arms, and feel it filling my lungs, then what holds the air in place; on what does it float; what keeps it in place? Aether within our energy realm.
Peace and Harmony Within the ZPEF Realm
So then; since everything comprises one life and one creation, all living within one great energy field, one would presume that we are all living one harmonious and peaceful life together; right? Wrong, I'm afraid, totally and completely wrong.
This article is not intended to hammer humankind, but we need to acknowledge that, in our selfish quest for power, wealth and total global control, we cause perpetual wars, power struggles, religious disharmony, and cultural and societal conflicts. We eternally trash our planet through our luxurious lifestyle by way of industrial and electricity production, uranium waste - which takes three hundred years to loose its radiation power, the use of petrol driven vehicles and aircraft, space exploration, destroying our oceans through abuse and oil leakage, plastic production and waste, and other poisonous substances and gases.
We have reduced the nutritional value of our natural foods through the abuse of and draining of agricultural land and the consistent destruction of ecosystems. Not to mention the ever shortening supply of consumable water - our life-blood. And the poisonous water seeping upward from mine shafts that is running into rivers and tributaries - poisoning everything and everyone on our planet.
At this rate of self-destruction, it is no wonder that world powers are wanting to colonize Mars or any livable planet. In the supernatural sense and if you believe in God, what do you think His opinion is of our lifestyle and destruction of our planet Earth and of one another? In other words, would the "end of the world" be at hand due to our own sinful deeds? In my "not so humble" opinion; most certainly.
Zero Point Energy Generator - Discover the Secret That the Government Doesn't Want You to Know About
The zero point energy generator concept and zero point technology generally are shrouded in much secrecy. There's a reason why you never hear about this technology through the mainstream media. In this article, I'll tell you all about the zero point energy generator, the technology and how you can take advantage of it for yourself to generate almost unlimited electricity.
The most practical application of zero point is as an energy generator.
It consists of several metal discs that can rotate around a central shaft. Around the perimeter of the discs are a series of magnets.
The system needs an initial input of energy. You can do this by simply pushing the discs. A few seconds later, the motion becomes self-sustaining and the motor continues to run on its own without any input.
Totally Free - You Can't Be Serious?
Is this really unlimited energy? No it is not, but it is close to it.
The system needs an initial input of energy before the magnets are able to use their repelling/attracting potential. When a new zero point equilibrium is reached, the motion becomes self-sustaining.
But what about friction? The beauty of this system is that the energy driven to the motor by the magnets is much higher than the energy that is burned up due to frictional losses. They are outnumbered by around 1,000 to 1 so friction is not a worry.
The magnets do wear out and lose their properties so need to be replaced every 5 to 15 years. Also, if you intend to stop and start the motor then most people use a battery and this will also need replacing every few months or so.
How To Get Your Own Generator
Commercial applications are a few years away yet although they are currently being heavily developed. So as things stand at the moment, you cannot buy one of these generators anywhere.
However, you can make your own instead. A generator is nothing more than some fabricated pieces of steel, some wiring and a few strong magnets. All of these materials and parts can be sourced easily second hand to save money.
The best way to go about making your own is to get hold of a good set of plans. Besides, this fades in comparison to the huge amount of electricity that you will be able to generate, not just for yourself but also to optionally sell back to the grid.
Quit paying the power company ever increasing amounts of your hard-earned cash:
Practical guide
✰* Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
The design includes:
✰* Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
The design includes:
- Harnessing electricity from the Earth: Neither is Schumann Resonance, nor is it known by Electromagnetism. It's The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats
- Extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called “fractionation.”
- Reverse Tesla coil - "Back to Back" mechanism
- Combination of radiant energy and negative resistance to amplify electricity
- Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator
- And many other plans for Free Energy.
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