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Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Device

Cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) involves sending electrical impulses to billions of nerve cells, stimulation comes from a position on the body.

The theory behind CES is that low energy volts will normalize the electric field of the brain, calm the sympathetic nervous system and restore normal neurotransmitter communication between nerve cells.

Treatment diagram of CES device:

Treatment diagram of CES device
- photo by ATANG CES

How it works for CES devices

These voltages are managed through a small handheld device for about 30 to 60 minutes per day, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

It should not be confused with stimulating skull therapy with cranial therapy, a shock therapy used in the mid-1900s to treat severe depression. In addition to using electricity, both methods have very little in common. For one thing, CES get energy from a 9 volt battery and only produces about 100 microamper to 4 miliamper. The small amount of electricity released by the device helps reduce risks and possible side effects. Of course, there are certain mild side effects to this method - one study shows dizziness, electrode burns and headaches are the most common side effects. However, these only occur for a short time and among less than 1% of patients.

1. This is How CES treats Migraine, Insomnia, Depression, Chronic Pain

Therapy (method) of "Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation" (CES) in the treatment of migraine, insomnia, depression, chronic pain.

CES stimulates the brain to produce serotonin while lowering cortisol (stress-causing hormones), producing serotonin and other neurological chemicals responsible for healthy mood and sleep, chronic pain, and insomnia.

2. These are 4 Neurotransmitters Produced by CES | Treat a variety of Pain and Insomnia

CES (Cranial electrotherapy stimulation) works and produces four neurotransmitters that control emotions, relieve pain and treat insomnia.This is a nerve stimulator, just like TENS. However, CES acts on the skull and brain.

For positive effects, those who have tried this method report a series of positive feelings, from a state of deep relaxation to a sense of alertness and physical calm. Although studies have not yet documented its effects on people with ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), anecdotal evidence suggests that it may reduce some attention and behavior problems associated with the disorder.

3. Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Device

CES devices can be obtained from drug stores but require a licensed health care provider. Each device costs up to $ 600, but some companies have a refund guarantee if there are no effects after 60 days. Those who tried CES seemed to experience benefits after two weeks of daily treatment.

See: Cheap CES devices

You are learning about CES devices, you are probably losing sleep: Great program to complement CES devices


  1. Good News for People with Insomnia. Alpha-Stim is a handheld, prescription medical device. It is FDA-cleared as an insomnia treatment. ... The waveform passes between two electrodes clipped to your earlobes, restoring balance in your brain and reducing insomnia

  2. Initially, you should treat at least once a day for about 3 weeks or until you start to feel balanced. Then you use it every other day to maintain results. Twice a week may be enough but if symptoms return, then add more treatments. You can also use it on an as-needed basis, as you cannot overdose on Alpha-Stim

  3. The Alpha-Stim uses small earclips that provide Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) to treat anxiety, insomnia, and depression. Using a patented waveform, Alpha-Stim is proven safe and effective by more than 100 studies over the past 37 years

  4. Alpha-Stim comes with a 5-year limited warranty and accessory costs are minimal. Over 5 years, someone who takes medication – such as pain pills, antidepressants and sleep aids – or does other treatments typically used to treat pain, anxiety, insomnia and depression can pay thousands of dollars more than someone using Alpha-Stim.

  5. I recently discovered Alpha-Stim and the results have been nothing short of amazing. Not only have I experience relief from anxiety and insomnia, but, additionally, I have reduced accompanying physical pain

  6. How long does Alpha Stim take to work?

    1. The list of side effects for these medications is long, and includes a variety of symptoms. The side effects listed by the FDA are:

      Nausea and vomiting
      Weight gain
      Sexual problems
      Thoughts about suicide or dying
      Attempts to commit suicide
      New or worsening depression
      New or worsening anxiety
      Feeling very agitated or restless
      Panic attacks
      Trouble sleeping (insomnia)
      New or worsening irritability
      Acting aggressively, being angry, or violent
      Acting on dangerous impulses
      An extreme increase in activity and talking (mania)
      Other unusual changes in behavior or mood
      A prescription for a patient who is battling a bout of depression can actually worsen and prolong the condition with side effects such as “thoughts about suicide or dying,” “attempts to commit suicide,” and “new or worsening depression.”

      When treating depression with Alpha-Stim, significant improvement typically takes 3 weeks or more of daily treatment. After the depression is under control, 2-3 treatments per week or less are usually sufficient to maintain good results.

      “I want to thank all of you for making the Alpha-Stim available. Within a week of using it, I experienced relief from clinical depression, which has stubbornly resisted treatment for over two years. Until I started using the Alpha-Stim, I had only partial relief with a SSRI antidepressant. Within three days, I noticed my sleep was much improved. Then, I noticed feeling more emotionally resilient. Today, I am almost back to the outgoing, spontaneous person I know myself to be!” – Sue Clark Lindh

    2. The typical Alpha-Stim protocol is designed to use it as little as possible while maintaining good results. Initially, you should treat at least once a day for about 3 weeks or until you start to feel balanced. Then you use it every other day to maintain results. Twice a week may be enough but if symptoms return, then add more treatments. You can also use it on an as-needed basis, as you cannot overdose on Alpha-Stim.

      Treatment can be done at any time of day. However, we do not recommend treating within 3 hours before going to bed as some people may be more alert after treatment. Other people can fall asleep with Alpha-Stim on.

      Unlike most prescription medications, Alpha-Stim has no risk of addiction or tolerance. People find that they can decrease use over time, as soon as they realize it takes fewer Alpha-Stim treatments to achieve the same effects. When using Alpha-Stim for pain management, acute and post-traumatic pain (including post-surgical pain) should be treated with AS-Trodes for at least an hour at a time but 24 hours is okay too.

  7. What is the difference between STIM and tens?

  8. Alpha-Stim microcurrent waveform activates particular groups of nerve cells that are located at the brainstem. These groups of nerve cells produce the chemicals serotonin and acetylcholine which can affect the chemical activity of nerve cells that are both nearby and at more distant sites in the nervous system. In fact, these cells are situated to control the activity of nerve pathways that run up into the brain and that course down into the spinal cord.

    By changing the electrical and chemical activity of certain nerve cells in the brainstem, Alpha-Stim technology appears to amplify activity in some neurological systems and diminish activity in others. This neurological fine-tuning is called modulation and occurs either as a result of or together with the production of a certain type of electrical activity pattern in the brain known as an alpha state

    1. Mood conditions (like anxiety and depression), and insomnia are all controlled by your body’s central nervous system. The billions of individual cells that comprise the nervous system communicate every sensation by conducting electrochemical signals between the cells in your body and brain.

      The Alpha-Stim electrotherapy device works by transmitting a unique, patented electrical waveform to modulate the cells’ signals to return to baseline, normal functioning—significantly reducing pain, anxiety, depression, or insomnia without medication.

      With Alpha-Stim, many people experience significant relief after a single treatment. With continued use, the effects of the Alpha-Stim electrotherapy device can be even greater, increasing cumulatively over time as cell function becomes more readily modulated.

  9. I have depression and struggle even though I'm on medication. I worry that I'll always struggle even though I try hard. Will I ever overcome depression and thrive?

  10. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) has been proposed as an alternative treatment for symptoms of depression. CES is a treatment in which a low intensity electrical current is administered to the head through the use of a small, portable electrical device. A sample treatment regimen might consist of daily application of the device for 30 minutes for a month, but treatment instructions vary with the device and condition being treated. In the United States CES devices require a prescription. In most other countries, marketing of CES devices is approved for stress reduction but not specific medical conditions such as depression.

  11. ... Effectiveness of CES is supported by hundreds of clinical and mechanistic studies. Adverse effects occur at rates of less than 1% and tend to be mild (skin irritation at the electrode site, and headaches) (Kirsch and Nichols, 2013). Given its safety and tolerability, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) grandfathered the device for approval in the 1970s (Smith, 2008). ...


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